In addition to any variation that the driver may make in his dampers through external tuners, there are other internal parameters that we can modify by changing the set of washers that control the oil passage. Through them we can substantially change the behavior of your shock absorber.
When legalizing vehicles left from the factory, they undergo strict government tests including many tests of suspension and dynamics.
Just as a car's engine has to pass consumption and emissions tests, the shock absorbers equipped in SSV when they leave the factory fall far short of their performance potential.
OffMax provides a tuning service for its shock absorbers. In this service, we replace the set of washers that control the compression and expansion of the shock absorber with a more effective set. This replacement is made to the customer's needs, so if there is a preference for a firmer or softer damper, with a different expansion or different compression progression, OffMax guarantees a damper exactly as you want, with recognized reliability of FOX and the performance that you long in reaching the top positions of the championship.
The wide variety of modifications to the shock absorber trim can bring spectacular performance increases.
OffMax can also change the damper's internal piston, position of the bypass openings and change the bypass control washers
The set of washers can also be modified resulting in a significant increase in the range of adjustability of the damper compression.
It is also possible to apply new springs to the dampers, with higher or lower rating.
The springs lose their elastic coefficient with their use and it is prudent to test them when servicing the shock absorbers and replacing them when they are not conform.
There are several springs with different rates that may be more suitable. OffMax recommends replacing the springs with specific springs for the pilot / navigator / chassis / accessories and tuning the dampers.
With the data of the weight of each part of the set and its arrangement in the chassis, OffMax calculates the ideal springs for you and your vehicle.
OffMax can also change the damper's internal piston, position of the bypass openings and change the bypass control washers.
The wide variety of modifications to the shock absorber internals can bring spectacular increases in performance.

Valving is the set of washers stacked on either side of the damper piston. These washers have different diameters and thicknesses.
It is possible to change the way they stack to create a specific set for each driver and vehicle, improving their performance. Either by making the damper softer or firmer or by changing the low, high compression or rebound.